Woman speaking into a microphone at an outdoor event with a camera nearby.

The Accidental President

(The Accidental President)

A personal and political portrait of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the rightful president-elect who never took office. The falsified election results were the last straw for thousands, igniting the largest wave of protests in modern Belarusian history.

The film tracks the politician from her decision to run for president to her forced exile in Lithuania. Her pro-democratic campaign mobilised thousands to take to the streets despite the risk of a violent response. Juxtaposed with raw footage of police brutality, we see how the Belarusian government in exile is growing and Tsikhanouskaya’s position on the world’s political stage is strengthening. Alongside scenes showing her advocacy work, space is given to Tsikhanouskaya’s personal statements, where moments of hopelessness alternate with feelings of pride and solidarity. But in February 2022 the ongoing negotiations with international representatives are disrupted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Atlas – Small Hall, Ke Štvanici 371/4, Praha 8

Mike Lerner, Director
Nina Skepyan, Moderator
Kryscina Šyjanok, Kancelář demokratických sil Běloruska v České republice
Martin Herring, Director

Lucerna Cinema – Large Hall, Vodičkova 36, Praha 1

Mike Lerner, Director
Franak Viačorka, Protagonist
Jana Karasová, Moderator
Martin Herring, Director

Evald, Národní 28, Praha 1

TitleThe Accidental President
Original TitleThe Accidental President
Original LanguageBelorussian
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginGreat Britain
Length90 min.
Tags Dictatorships, Politics, Europe
Director Mike Lerner, Martin Herring

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The Accidental President