
Festival Jeden svět chce být co nejvíce přístupný pro všechny diváky a divačky bez rozdílu. Během festivalu nabízíme publiku různá opatření, aby si každý mohl program opravdu užít.
Piktogram Popisné titulky (SDH)

Subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing

  • SDH stands for subtitles for the d/Deaf and hard of hearing.
  • These subtitles assume the end user cannot hear the dialogue and include important non-dialogue information such as sound effects, music, and speaker identification.
  • In the Programme, descriptive captions are marked with the SDH pictogram.
Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)

English Friendly

  • Film projection with english subtitles.
Piktogram Audiopopis (AD)

Audio Description

  • Allows the filmgoers to perceive the visual component of the film through spoken commentary.
  • Audio description is provided with headphones.
  • The AD pictogram in the daily program indicates films with audio descriptions.
Piktogram relaxované projekce (R)

Relaxed Screening

Films are screened with reduced brightness and quieter film sound.
During the screening viewers can move freely around the hall and consume their own refreshments.
The screenings are particularly accessible for people with intellectual disabilities, concentration difficulties, or epilepsy.
These screenings are the only ones without subtitles.

Piktogram Informace v Českém znakovém jazyce (ČZJ)

Information in Czech Sign Language

  • The festival’s opening and closing ceremonies and selected debates are interpreted into Czech sign language.
  • Information about the festival in Czech sign language is published on our website and the One World for the Deaf Facebook page.
Piktogram Simultánní přepis (CART)

Realtime Translation Captioning

  • CART is a service in which a certified CART provider listens to speech onsite and, using captioning software, instantaneously translates all the speech to text.
  • Simultaneous transcription will take place in the online environment Text on tap, the actual transcription can always be found at the same link: here
    QR code to load the transcript website here
Piktogram Jeden svět pro rodiče s dětmi

Family friendly

Piktogram Upozornění na citlivý obsah

Piktogram přístupného místa

Accessible Space

Piktogram přístupné toalety

Accessible Toilet

Piktogram výtahu

Accessible Lift

Piktogram plošiny

Wheelchair Platform Lift

Piktogram schodolezu

Wheelchair stairlift

Indukční smyčka piktogram

Induction loop

  • An induction loop is available in cinemas indicated with this pictogram to improve the film sound for viewers with hearing aids or cochlear implants.

Baby friendly